Now that you have the basic background information of who we are, how we planned and prepared for this trip and what we were thinking leading up to our first day on that beach in Tybee Island, GA, let’s get into the real story.
We'd like to apologize in advance. Some of our
daily recaps are redundant and at times seem to
just check off a box. What time we woke up.
When we got moving. What we ate. Who we met.
How many miles we covered that day. That is
because while writing in our journals we never
intended to create a book. Our writing was only
for our own memories. Taking all of that
information and turning it into a story that isn’t
repetitive but instead entertaining was a
challenge in itself.
Each chapter of the book will consist of one day
on the road. Within each day, it may be broken
down into three main parts.
First, you will read our day-to-day travels by reading Andy's daily journal that he kept while on the road. He made sure to capture as much detail as possible because he knew he would forget much of what took place years down the road.
Second, you will be reading Ken and Durkin’s journal entries. Ken wrote in his journal 60% of the time and Durkin was close to 50%. Andy removed sections in their journals of what we did on a particular day because his journal covered that. He left in how they were feeling, what they were experiencing and their thoughts.
Finally, you may read our day-to-day travels as a blog recap that was updated daily on our website during the run. Andy decided to only keep the blogs written by either Ken, Durkin or himself. Some days we didn’t have internet access, so we called on family and friends to recap the day for us. We chose not to include those entries as we found them to be redundant. They were also not written from our firsthand point of view. We wanted to capture our perspective directly from the road and not a secondhand telling of it. At the end of each entire, it will be signed by the person that wrote that day. We hope you enjoy!